Work cannot fill a hole in our heart space.

The rhetoric around being ‘busy’, and reaching perfect levels of ‘productivity’ feels like we’re missing the mark when compared to the sheer scale of what is happening in our universe that is totally outside of our awareness let alone our control.

Our bodies are always doing infinite things at any one moment, the number of messages that get sent within these vessels and the layers of communication that exist between us and the outside world is far more comprehensive and complex than any conceivable level of conscious productivity.

You are infinitely busy and productive simply through being alive, and even after death. When you are resting you don’t stop growing. When you take a break your cells don’t stop rejuvenating. When you are not working you don’t stop breathing. So why do we think we need to ‘do’ in order to fill our heart space?

I fell into a space of spiritual busywork trying to navigate these past few weeks – as if I was supposed to be somehow conducting this flow, as if I even could.

We might call this ‘doing the work’.

But when are we ever not doing the work?

It’s happening, consciously or otherwise. Your whole life, existence, essence of being is the constant flux of evolution. Everything is always at work. It is not our job to label what is ‘the work’ and what is not.

Our job is to stay open to every moment as an opportunity to see things differently and to know that whether we engage or not the work is still happening.