Manifest Your Vision
Create Your Legacy
Live Your Wealth

you were called to this earth, to this mission on purpose

your energy is here to support the growth + transformation of this planet in this lifetime

sacred business initiation is here to facilitate your transition from conscious navigator of your own healing into an authentic leader for the healing and growth of others

Let's Explore Together...

take a deep breath

place your right hand on your heart

repeat after me



I am here to support other beautiful beings in doing the same

i am a way-shower, a keeper of the light, a bridge for soul expansion

everything i have been through has led me to this moment

and this is the moment i say yes to creating the future i have always dreamt of

this is the moment i finally choose it for myself

and so it is

with these codes we anchor in the start of your sacred business initiation

sacred business initiation is a personal 1:1 container for us to play in the energy that wants to be channeled through you

we invite in the space for you to access the codes you were put on this earth to communicate

we work with deeply surrendering into the feminine creatrix within you, while building the supportive masculine structure of your business to safely hold her

it’s a dance, a moment in time, a shared unique sacred experience, different for every single soul, we move together through the transformational portal, uncovering truth, awakening insight, inviting in magic

Your Soul Business Is Your Own Personal Liberation Portal...Let Her Open You...

core principles


business integrity

creatrix power



aligned success

this initiation is only for women who...

this is for my courageous soul sisters who are ready to take the leap of faith and do the work

how we play

the energy of this container is powerful, shifts will be happening 24/7 in our time together and i'll be with you all the way

"I have become the coach I always wanted to be"

“I know how to be a success in business as the strong, empowered, self-sufficient and unstoppable woman I have become. I felt so supported at all times and although so much is covered, it was never overwhelming. I am so grateful Sasha ensured we were always thinking from a kind and moral place whilst building a successful business”

Megan, UK

meet your guide

Welcome Beautiful Soul, I’m Sasha, a Female Empowerment Coach obsessed with your growth and transformation. I support women in healing trauma and building magical businesses ♥️ I am an HD Manifestor, so any work with me is always a next-level activation and initiation into who you came here to be

Business Creation is what allowed me to fully empower myself, become financially independent, do what I love every single day, and live out the fullest expression of myself

It is why I am so passionate about helping as many women as possible build businesses they are obsessed with

This coaching offering is not about pushing specific financial goals, or specific marketing systems, it is about opening the space for you to come home to your truth so you can build a business from your heart

This is your soul’s work, everything we do is with the purpose of awakening greater alignment within you, so you can expand and pour forth all the beautiful abundance of your soul’s gifts…all while getting paid so you can live into your true wealth and abundance

This is a high-touch intimate transformational container available as a 3 month or 6 month package

Your investment – £3000 for 3 months, £5500 for 6 months

get started with a deposit, payment plans available

Apply Now