Quote I am about this week
“If you never fail, you’re only trying things that are too easy and playing far below your level… If you can’t remember any time in the last six months when you failed, you aren’t trying to do difficult enough things.” Eliezer Yudkowsky
Springtime Reflections from Rumi
A collection of beautiful words from the eternal wisdom of Rumi as an ode to Spring
“How should Spring bring forth a garden on hard stone? Become earth, that you may grow flowers of many colours. For you have been heart-breaking rock. Once, for the sake of experiment, be earth!”
“We began as mineral. We emerged into plant life, and into the animal state, and then into being human, and always we have forgotten our former states, except in early Spring when we slightly recall being green again”
“In Winter the bare boughs that seem to sleep, work covertly, preparing for their Spring”
“A warm rainy day – this is how it feels when friends get together. Friend refreshes friend then, as flowers do each other, in a Spring rain”
and One More Thing
NEW MOON in Aries – 12 April 2.30am BST
Ah the initiating burst of energy and forward motion from action-taking, go-getting Aries…
The New Moon, as always, is a time to set intentions, for new beginnings, a moment of rebirth
This moment is no different
Other than it is FAST
Aries wants you to move. Like yesterday.
With the Sun, Venus and Mercury also in this courageous, fiery, ambitious sign there is a lot of astrological support for you to lean in to, especially if you’re looking for motivation to make some BIG, BOLD moves
Take a look at your goals, your plans for your life and see where is ripe for you to move forward at lightning speed
Take advantage of this swift, deft Aries moment and take deliberate, intentional ACTION in that direction
I can’t *promise* you will manifest exactly what you want in an instant but the energy is sure there for it
Work with this energy:
WRITE DOWN your goals – this is one of those things we read so often and if you’re anything like me think ‘yeh yeh I’ve done that’…but ask yourself when you ACTUALLY last wrote them down, when you last deeply connected with them. This is a time to refresh those goals – especially ones that you feel like you’ve been chasing for a while but don’t seem to be any closer…now is the time you could see them come to fruition
Take a risk – you are so supported right now. Whatever it is that you’d normally be too afraid to do…NOW is the time. This energy begs you to be brave, to trust that being courageous always brings rewards – in the form of huge positive results or massive lessons and breakthroughs
Focus action in the House Aries sits in your Natal Chart – Aries lives in one of the houses on your birth chart, take a look at this part of your life and set specific intentions for changes you want to make in that area. You can look up your personal birth chart here