Quote I am connecting with this week
“If your life’s work can be accomplished in your lifetime, you’re not thinking big enough.” Wes Jackson |
Podcast that shines a light on the paradox of achieving great success early in life
Caroline Burckle on The Rich Roll Podcast – find it wherever you listen to your podcasts
Caroline Burckle is an Olympic medal winning swimmer. You might assume that she had reached the pinnacle of her life’s work and therefore felt that deep sense of accomplishment for having achieved the very thing all athlete’s dream of. She had in all objective senses of the term completed her life’s work by the time she was only 23.
But listening to her speak about what she is working on now, healing, coaching and truly connecting with others, shows just how vital it is to always remember the bigger picture.
There is so much more to our stories than these peak moments, these peak experiences. Even if you get to the top of the mountain in any discipline you set your sights on there is still more to your story. Conversely, if you are in the deepest pit imaginable there is also, equally, still more to your story.
You have so much within you, an unlimited universe of possibility. Wherever you are at in your life, you have the choice the dive in, explore and find more dreams to go after.
and One More Thing
Set 2021 goals for your Soul Biz
This might not seem possible, we are still in a pandemic, and here in the UK we are in full lockdown. Everything continues to feel deeply uncertain making it seem like this is the wrong time to attempt to set goals for your self and your Soul Biz.
However…the uncertainty of the collective experience is exactly the reason goal setting is more important than ever.
It is the very act of creating order from chaos, of looking long-term when the short-term refuses to reveal answers that allows us comfort and allows us to continue moving forward.
What gives us energy in life is moving forward in the face of adversity. We are wired to feel a sense of accomplishment when we forge ahead through fear and into the unknown.
We can make this process easier by setting small goals that we know we can achieve and that introduce some certainty into our days and the weeks to come.
We are continuing to be called forward to take charge of that which we can control. We are being shown that the structures you create in your life are the only structures you can truly trust and depend on.
Your life is a story. The circumstances of this pandemic constitute just one chapter, maybe even just one sentence, in fact you may write this moment out completely when it comes to it.
🌟What do you want your story to include?
🌟What is the legacy you are building?
🌟Is your work in this world, what you offer, what you create, more valuable to your story than the pandemic?
If it is then I urge you to forge on. To set goals. To move forward.