Quotes I am connecting with this week

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” William Butler Yeats

“The moment one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself.” Henry Miller

These quotes perfectly capture something I have been doing this week – that is focusing on feeling the magic in every aspect of life, paying special attention to the smallest things and feeling the pure love and joy of their existence.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed with what is happening in the world or with your own feelings around these events then this is a great way to find presence. Focus on something tiny or very specific and study it until you can see its beauty and magnificence. Nature has the best examples but things like feeling the softness of your socks on your feet, or the warmth of water on your hands as you wash them also work beautifully. Enjoy!

Article I have found useful on this 

I am a huge advocate of intuitive living, it is how I have learnt about myself, how I like to move through the world and also what I teach clients when it comes to Soul Biz building. This doesn’t mean that science is useless or unimportant. In fact many of the positive behaviours we come to intuitively have science-backed data to support why they are so good for us.


Science hasn’t quite got a hold of magic, mystery and awe yet 😉 💫 

…other than to say that people who experience awe on a regular basis are happier and more content than people who don’t and to live a happy, fulfilled life it is super important for us to experience it.

I am a huge believer in everyday magic and miracles and considering what 2020 has brought so far who doesn’t feel like they need more magic in their life…

Here are some useful ways to feel more awe everyday…from this great article

🌟Take walks in nature with the specific purpose of feeling awe
🌟Go to repositories of awe – museums, arenas, historical sites, places of worship…anywhere that feels vast to you
🌟Record your awe experiences – write down when you feel the magic, take pictures, collect objects from these experiences
🌟Meditate on the awe-inspiring
🌟Connect with awe-inspiring stories
🌟Make a playlist of music and/or video clips that bring you awe
🌟Be mindful of awe – pay attention to when you get that magic feeling – give thanks and celebrate it 

and One More Thing

You might have guessed the theme this week is finding magic and awe in these wild times…

Here in the UK we have moved in to Lockdown 2.0 and honestly it felt a little ‘doom and gloom’ at the beginning of the week. With events unfolding in the US and the pandemic still wreaking havoc on our economies and hearts it was feeling a little heavy.

But in every moment there is opportunity

In every moment we get to choose

I am choosing this lockdown moment as a time to refocus, recenter, get creative and push forward on some exciting new things I have been working on for a while.

We create magic in our everyday lives by allowing ourselves to feel inspired not only by the wonderful world we live in but also by our own incredible souls.

Use this mantra to refocus your energy inward, find the magic WITHIN you and move from that space…

When I listen to my Higher Self I feel empowered. And when I make decisions and take action from that empowered place MAGIC happens.

Never forget the awe-inspiring words of Maya Angelou *I also shared last week

“We must confess that we are the possible
We are the miraculous, the true wonder of this world”