As we witness the dramatic seasonal shifts…
“We can never have enough of Nature. We must be refreshed by the sight of inexhaustible vigor, vast and Titanic features, the sea-coast with its wrecks, the wilderness with its living and its decaying trees, the thunder cloud, and the rain which lasts three weeks and produces freshets. We need to witness our own limits transgressed, and some life pasturing freely where we never wander” Henry David Thoreau
Movie I enjoyed this week
If you’re looking for some light relief, easy watching, safe action with a little romance but with some prevalent themes about the state of the world…then I recommend Free Guy. It’s a mainstream box office hit…something I wouldn’t normally make a note of recommending…but it is worth highlighting when entertainment created for the masses *actually* has a powerful heart-centred message about the meaning of freedom along with being super sweet and easy to watch
So if you have a couple of hours this weekend and would like to take a breath from deep healing, potent magic work or traversing the murky waters of the multiverse, then give yourself the gift of some fun light-hearted entertainment 🤗🤍
and One More Thing
New Moon in Scorpio – 4 November
There is always time to envelop ourselves in the shadows, to lay claim to the darkness that taps on our shoulder every now and again, it is wisdom that pushes us to disappear for a while sometimes, we are not meant to shine shine shine in every moment of our lives, nothing in nature constantly peaks, yet why do we expect ourselves to?
As the Moon vanishes from the sky take notice of how you might want to fall back into the blackness
We put so much pressure on ourselves to “show up”, to be visible, to be seen…do we think this is the only true way of being alive, of being in existence?
But then we get to remember the power of what happens in the invisible, that holy space that allows transformation
We do not go to the shadows to die, we go to be reborn
Scorpio loves the mystery, the seduction of the deepest unseen, if we don’t pay a visit there every so often just know you will be pushed
So invite it in, let the Scorpion temptress have her way with you
I have been “less visible” these past couple of weeks, pandering to my Scorpio Rising need to operate in the unseen, in the unknown, to live my right to keep myself for myself, for I know the magic and potency of living just for me
And a rebirth will arrive, a transitional moment will cause a flutter in the meta-verse and it will be back out into the light, back onto the stage of life, for it is all cyclical, infinite coming and going, death, rebirth, death, light, shadow, light
A forever poem weaving the fabric of our existence into the tapestry of this one life
Let yourself spend time in the shadows, in the space between, enjoy the miracles of the unknown in there 😘