Quote I am considering this week
“There is a wonderful, almost mystical, law of nature that says three of the things we want most—happiness, freedom, and peace of mind—are always attained when we give them to others. Give it away to get it back.” John Wooden
Concept I am working with at the moment
“People think focus means saying yes to the thing you’ve got to focus on. But that’s not what it means at all. It means saying no to the hundred other good ideas that there are. You have to pick carefully.” Steve Jobs
We know that saying no to things we don’t want to do is crucial for our sanity, inner peace and our overall well-being. But consider also that when we say yes to something there is a ripple effect
As soon as we say yes and make a commitment it becomes part of our energetic field and therefore part of our identity, even if only transiently. Once we have welcomed something into our field, we either must expand to contain it or let go of something else.
When we say yes an expectation is formed, a commitment is made, and your future self has an obligation now made by your present self
Consider this through the lens of transformation…how can we align our yeses and our no’s to what our FUTURE self would do?
If we want to change our lives, continue to grow and evolve, then the decisions we make TODAY need to reflect the person we would like to grow into. It requires visualisation, imagination and thoughtfulness. It also requires courage and bravery…and what a beautiful way to live, yes?
and One More Thing
Ooo I haven’t pulled a card for your beauties in a while and what a potent card to have shown itself to you…

Ambitious, Focused, Diligent, Inspired…
…and deeply connected to the earth, nature and all its bountiful gifts
This page represents the kind of energy you need to complete your work, whatever tasks or responsibilities you have hanging over you, this energy will support you in focusing on and finishing them. There is a dedication and determination embedded in the energy of this card…the kind of determination that allows you to sit and do the ‘boring’ bits, the parts of your work or daily life that keep everything grounded and moving along
There is also some beautiful magic here…an ability to creatively manifest material things into your reality. The suit of pentacles reflect the material realm, importantly wealth, financial abundance and possessions…and the page represents that spark of energy that turns dreams into reality
This card invites you to go forth and conquer your day…be inspired, stay focused and commit to doing the work of building a life you love