Quote for life

“The main thing is the YOU beneath the clothes and skin—the ability to do, the will to conquer, the determination to understand and know this great, wonderful, curious world.

Don’t shrink from new experiences and custom….Enjoy what is and not pine for what is not….Read some good, heavy, serious books just for discipline: Take yourself in hand and master yourself.” William E B Du Bois

Book I have been listening to

What Happened To You? Bruce Perry and Oprah Winfrey

I’m only halfway through but am really enjoying their perspective on understanding and healing trauma. They combine personal story-telling with psychology and science, making it truly accessible and understandable which feels especially potent right now with the collective trauma that continues to bubble up and demand our attention

If you’ve been deep into trauma healing for a while and read books from Bessel Van Der Kolk (The Body Keeps The Score) and Gabor Mate (When The Body Says No), then you may not find anything groundbreaking in here. However it’s important to see how these themes and stories are now pushing through into mainstream conversation

There is a tide change in the way we speak about and address trauma and this book helps that shift and I am here for it

and One More Thing

New Moon in Virgo – Tuesday 7 September 00:51 BST

A New Moon signals an inward flow of energy, and this one especially is calling us back into ourselves

With the Autumn Equinox around the corner on 22 September, marking the moment of equal day and night and the end of long summer evenings, we might feel this moment as an ending

But it is as ever, also a fresh start, an entry into a new season, a welcome transition

In earthy Virgo this energy is ripe for us to call in a few things as we adjust ourselves

🌟Virgo loves a detail, so now is a good time to take stock, to take an inventory and ask yourself what is really working for you and what isn’t…in all areas

🌟Ruler of the 6th House, it also speaks to the themes of health and daily habits. Let this energy guide you into reviewing your daily routines and perhaps make space for some new habits for this coming season

🌟We know Virgo is organised and perfectionistic, find a way to dance with your being so that the power of helpful strategies, order and empowering structure are honoured WITHOUT your freedom and flow being squashed

Don’t be too hard on yourself in this moment, there is still some tumultuous energy around and much healing that is happening…if all you do is tap into the grounding energy Virgo offers then that may be more than enough for now
