Quote I am considering this week
“The reason that most of us are unhappy…is that we set our goals not for the person we’re going to be when we reach them, but we set our goals for the person we are when we set them” Jim Coudal
Blog post I have been pondering this week
And who are you really? – Seth Godin found here and copied below in full
And who are you really?
There’s a desire to celebrate our “authentic” self.
But perhaps our considered self, the one that shows up when we’re doing our best to be consistent, generous and professional–that’s our authentic self. And the voice that slips out when we’re tired, stressed or busy is simply an incomplete and lesser version of who we actually are.
We’re the sum total of the interactions we choose to create and the changes we contribute.
Any reframing or perspective shift on ‘authenticity’ is interesting, not least as a reminder that there is no singular meaning that can capture the full truth of this concept
We look at leaders and we look for authenticity…but what stories are we telling ourselves around what that authenticity should look like?
and One More Thing
New Year, New Me…
Last week I spoke on the emerging energy of the astrological new year and moving into Aries season and this week has been wild…in all the best ways…daily timeline hops, astral travels…meditation in suspended animation – has anyone else had this? a heady mix between lucid dreaming + an out of body experience…if you have I want to chat! – and ALL the downloads
How has your week been? Have you been feeling the shift since the Equinox?
We are also coming into the Full Moon in Libra on Sunday 28 March at 6.48pm GMT
The House that Libra is in on your birth chart will give you an indication of what area of life will be highlighted with this Full Moon and is an opportunity to reflect on what has manifested over the past 6 months regarding the intentions you set at the Libra New Moon
My Sun is in Libra in the 12th House – so this Moon is a personal moment for reflection of what has manifested, come to fruition, been fulfilled over these past 6 months in relation to my inner world, my relationship with energetic realms, dream states, the unconscious…
And it has been truly enlightening…
Our Soul Businesses are built on the foundations of our energy, so as we grow and evolve our business will grow and evolve as well. It is our task to simply follow the energy and allow what wants to happen to happen
It is with this softness and in a deeply surrendered state that I landed on the realisation that this is the last time Strategy+Soul will ever be open as the container it is now…when the Universe tells you to close the door, you close the door…I have loved every moment of being in the energy of this container it has borne witness to the most EPIC client transformations…the deepest healing, most radical up-levelling, full mind, body, soul awakenings…including for me…
If you’ve been on the fence about exploring what Strategy+Soul has to offer or waiting for the ‘right’ moment…well it is NOW! This program will not be available again in this way ever… NOW CLOSED
Wherever you are at in life, take a moment to celebrate you and all that you have achieved over the past 6 months, even the tiniest amount of progress is worth celebrating always..