Quote especially for you
“Merry Christmas! Wishing you a beautiful day full of joy and celebration” Me 😉
A Christmas Card
Ten of Cups – a beautiful celebration of unconditional love and gathering with those you have chosen as family 🥰

I know this time of year can be challenging, even heartbreaking or lonely for some of us. But allow the beauty of this card to move through you and highlight the parts of your soul that know, no matter what, you are loved, held and supported. Your Soul Family are on this earth right now, even if you are not with them. And if you are surrounded by them, then YEAY! This card reminds you to celebrate and show your gratitude in big, loud, obvious ways.
With our arms outstretched to the sky we thank the Universe for all that is while surrendering to all that is still to be
and One More Thing + a Christmas Present
There’s some intense Astrology happening over the next few days and into January…
We have Venus Retrograde conjunct Pluto in Capricorn; the Sun and Mercury also joining the fun in Capricorn and the final clash of Saturn in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus (woo!)
With so much intensity in the cosmic skies, it really is an amazing time for deep reflection on the past year. To look in particular at just how we have grown and what we have moved through…even if we haven’t manifested exactly what we want…we are different people now than we were at the start of the year
There are big shifts happening and energies finally liberating us from the past 18 months. So if you have felt stuck…know that change is upon us 🙏
I’m going to go into much more detail on this powerful Astrology in the coming weeks, especially the Venus Retrograde but for now…it’s Christmas!!
Take some time to fully rest the mind, body and soul. To feel into the energy of warmth, joy and celebration – however that may look to you this year 🌟
As a little Christmas gift, if you’re feeling called to dive into your personal Astrology my online course Soul Mission Astrology is available for you exclusively at a massive 80% discount for the next few days just type in the code CHRISTMAS at the check-out!