Quote for all time

“You need to be able to let things go in order to figure out what should stay” Aisha Tyler

Podcast I loved this week 

Richard Schwartz on The Tim Ferriss Show #492 listen wherever you find your podcasts

Richard Schwartz is a therapist specialising in Internal Family Systems (IFS), he authored the book of the same name and runs courses. If you have experienced healings through modalities such as shamanic journeying you will be familiar with the methodology behind IFS. It is a way of healing that separates out and acknowledges the different parts of ourselves so that we can be present with the parts that are scared and hurting and hold space for them with love and compassion. Not only that, but we can liberate these scared and hurting parts of ourselves so that we no longer carry that pain.

In this podcast Richard guides Tim through a session. If you are in your own healing process or are a practitioner yourself interested in this style of healing modality then it is so worth listening. 

It’s a beautiful reminder that healing can be gentle, conducted with ease and the results achieved relatively quickly.

and One More Thing

Welcome to Aquarius Season ♒️ 19 January – 17 February 2021

We have Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and now the Sun in Aquarius. Venus is also set to join the fun on 1 February. So prepare to have an Aquarian party!

If you have your birth chart, check out what house Aquarius is in as this will let you know the major themes you will be working with personally at this time and through this year. If you don’t know what I’m talking about (!) or would like some help hit reply 😘

Aquarius energy is progressive, intellectual, idealistic, unique and independent. Aquarius is on a humanitarian mission BIG TIME.

This sign is ruled by Saturn and Uranus, two planets with wildly different modus operandi. Saturn is all about boundaries, systems and creating and following rules. Uranus on the other hand loves a bit of creative destruction, completely upending systems and looking at things upside down, sideways, really any other way than what’s typical.  Aquarius is all about BIG change for the good of the many.

Building your own Soul Biz is a reflection of Aquarian style energy. It is about changing the status quo and finding a new way to work with this beautiful world to create not only a life that is fulfilling for you but creates something good for others and for humanity.

With all these planets in Aquarius currently stationed direct, i.e. moving forwards, jump on this energy to take action in your Soul Biz.

💫 Do a quick edit on where you are at…

If you are a new coach or healer who is building from the ground up, ask yourself these questions…

❤️What is my mission?

❤️Who do I want to help specifically and why them?

❤️What do I love talking about and often find myself giving advice to my family/peers about?

If the answers to these come quickly and naturally then next step is to EXPAND these ideas…think Jupiter in Aquarius – amplification in the realm of social innovation..

❤️What impact do I hope my work will have over the next 10 years?

❤️What energy do I want to imbibe the very beginnings of my business with so it will grow to be what I envision in 5 years?

❤️What can I do right now to start nurturing the culture I want my business to have into the future?

❤️What kind of world am I creating with my Soul Biz?

How did it feel answering these questions?
Does your daily life reflect your answers?

If the actions you are taking in your daily life are not reflective of your bigger goals and dreams then you will never get there. The only way you will achieve your Soul Mission and what you came here to do is by making changes in how you choose to spend your energy.