Quote I am being with this week
“New goals don’t deliver new results. New lifestyles do. And a lifestyle is not an outcome, it is a process. For this reason, all of your energy should go into building better habits, not chasing better results.” James Clear
Take 10 Deep Breaths With Me

and One More Thing
Second Aquarius Full Moon – 22 August – 12.01 BST
Second Aquarius Full Moon – 22 August – 12:01 BST
I invite you to take a moment and feel into the energy of a few weeks ago…24 July to be precise…because the Full Moon coming in a couple of days is the second part of this double act…and she is feeling LUCKY 😉
She completes the story for those courageous, innovative, unique ideas that asked to be seen a few weeks ago but also brings a very different flavour from her July appearance…which energetically was a little challenging for my taste
Making a conjunction with Jupiter – Planet of Luck, Abundance and Expansion AND appearing on the final day of Leo season…we have ourselves a beautiful bright activating portal exit to this moment
And as with any exit, there is a new beginning…use the energy of this Full Moon and the last moment of the Sun shining in Leo as a creative boost to set the tone for deeply entrenching community shape-shifting ideologies and action taking
It’s no coincidence that we see two Full Moons in Aquarius this year, in this moment, as we are fully immersed in a time that demands collective action, collective attention. In a moment that wants new solutions, different answers, an alternative point of view to shake up the way things on our world stage get handled…more voices, speaking more loudly, offering something different
Give yourself a moment to find your Aquarian vibe
Check out what House it’s in in your Natal Chart
Where do you seek innovation, community activism, social change?
It might not look like anyone else’s, let that be ok. If this moment potentiates anything, it’s that bright, bold change is supportive…in whatever way it asks you to participate