18 February 2022 – Welcome to Pisces Season!
Quote I am leaning into
“Sometimes you need to step off the worn path, lay down with your eyes up to the blue sky, interlock your fingers behind your head and let the grace grow around you” Leo Christopher
Understanding Advertising and Art
“At the centre of our societies is a hugely inventive force dedicated to nudging us towards a heightened appreciation of certain aspects of the world. With enormous skill, it throws into relief the very best sides of particular places and objects. It uses wordsmiths and image makers of near genius, who can create deeply inspiring and beguiling associations and position works close to our eyelines at most moments of the day. Advertising is the most compelling agent of mass appreciation we have ever known”
A beautiful and potent look at our relationship with advertising and how art can pull our focus back towards the things that really matter
An eye-opening read from the School of Life, birthed by Alain de Botton, which has an array of wonderfully written articles on how we live life
Read the full article here
and One More Thing
It’s Pisces Season my dreamy angel friends
Deep, Dreamy…Delusional (?)
It is time to delve into our subconscious, through our dreams, through metaphor, imagery, poetry, song…to dive into the thoughts beneath the thoughts, the soul beneath the story, the ocean beneath the waves
I’m going through a deep process at the moment, and the question coming through this week is ‘what is enough?’
How do we know where our true goalposts are, how do we know where our ‘enough’ is – in relationships, in life, in business…especially when we live in the narrative of abundance, in the juicy, deliciousness of yearning for more
Do we have a real grasp of where our reality ends and illusion begins? A difficult time to explore this message with Pisces waters wanting to pull us ever deeper into the illusion, into the possibilities, into the emotion and pleasure of all that we cannot see. And with Neptune and Jupiter swirling around in this space it will all be expanded, the liminal space harder to contain
And what better time to explore our boundaries…where are your ‘delusions’ actually stopping you? How does daydreaming hinder you taking action? Is stopping in the depths the way to truly make progress?
Enjoy this watery conclusion to the astrological year, wisdom always comes when we surrender to what Pisces energy wants to show us…even if it feels groundless, strange or totally out of this world 😉