Quote I am finding helpful as we come to the end of 2020

“All great works suffer from and are saved by a gladsome blindness to what they ultimately demand of their creators” Maria Popova

The joy of creating great work and of accomplishing something is often in the struggle of the endeavour, of pushing ourselves just a little further than we thought we could go, of expending just a little more energy than we thought we had. A little naivete is often very helpful when it comes to the pursuit of our dreams. Taking the right next step is nearly always the answer.

Book I am enjoying 

Letting Go – The Pathway of Surrender – David R. Hawkins

On this beautiful journey of life it has become apparent so many times to me that we ONLY receive the messages we need at the exact time we need them. We may have heard or read the same thoughts or ideas hundreds of times but it is only when we are ready to truly receive them that the message finally lands.

This book contains incredible wisdom simply explained. The concepts are those truths you have heard shared many times but they only become more interesting to me as they uncover new layers of what there is to know. Perhaps you believe you already *know* enough about healing, about spiritual concepts, about the journey and the work – give this book an opportunity to shine a light on what you thought you knew and offer you another perspective. Illuminating both for those new to this work and for those who have been walking this path for a while.

This book is part of a whole series – see the collection

and One More Thing

21 December Solstice occurring at 10.02 AM GMT is a beautiful time to set intentions for the New Year

I love this day for holding ritual and setting intentions for the coming year. In the Northern Hemisphere, it is the shortest day and represents Midwinter. It signifies the return to the light after weeks of darkening days and therefore is wonderful symbolically of that fertile moment for planting the seeds of what is to come.

This year it is extra special as we also have the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius.

I don’t need to tell you that this is a deep and potent time beautiful souls. We have lived through the havoc of 2020 and this astrology continues to press ever more firmly on our need to see what we have looked away from, to open our hearts to a very different way of being, to be willing to feel discomfort, live in uncertainty and not shy away from the change that needs to come. Be under no illusion that this change is already here. It is already within each one of us. This year has been about uncovering truth and shining a light on the ways it has been mishandled, mistreated and miscommunicated. Let there be no doubt this astrology is here to support this mission further.

Set good intentions, pure of heart, from the deepest well of compassion within you and watch as we all align to a new way of being.

Take care of yourselves sisters, loving you infinitely ♾