This has been speaking to me deeply this week
“The path is uncharted. It comes into existence moment by moment and at the same time drops away behind us…the source of wisdom is whatever is going to happen to us today. The source of wisdom is whatever is happening to us right at this very instant.” – Pema Chödrön When Things Fall Apart
App I am obsessed with right now..
I held a circle this week and pulled tarot for the wonderful women who joined me. They were all brand new to it and wanted to have an introduction, a play and see whether they connected with it. It was an incredible evening and a couple of the women asked at the end how best to explore the tarot themselves. It got me thinking…other than buying a deck and diving in was there an easy and accessible way for people to have fun with tarot? Turns out there is…Labrinthos is a completely free app that allows the user to pull digital spreads, details brief meanings and provides mini quizzes to test how familiar you are with the cards. It is a wonderful resource for beginners and beautifully executed.
*I am not affiliated with the app in any way I just love it 🙂
and One More Thing
I am on Day 30 of my cycle today so this week as I have been in my autumn I have been listening to my body’s whispers to slow down, do a little less and be even more gentle with myself.
I have been opening myself up to allow a greater flow of inspiration through so that the seeds of new ideas can be received and ready to be actioned through my spring and summer in the coming weeks.
I have been doing work on healing my sacral chakra and have been loving using Sunstone for this. Sunstone supports the balancing of the sacral chakra to inspire leadership qualities, confidence, creativity and sexuality. As I am starting new things in my business, growing my offerings, serving more women than ever I know I need to be ever more deeply connected to my feminine and my divine roots.
The sacral chakra for me in many ways represents the home of my business and therefore whenever I am feeling the call to level up in business or in life I bring my focus there and see how I can support myself in this area.
Often I find the things I am healing are energetics that are circulating with the women in my sphere. I would love to hear from you…
What are you feeling called to heal this week?
What impact does your cycle, or whatever phase your body is in right now, have on the work you do in this world?