On Presence…
“Perhaps our dreams are there to be broken, and our plans are there to crumble, and our tomorrows are there to dissolve into todays, and perhaps all of this is all a giant invitation to wake up from the dream of separation, to awaken from the mirage of control, and embrace whole-heartedly what is present….Perhaps suffering is simply a right of passage, not a test or a punishment, nor a signpost to something in the future or past, but a direct pointer to the mystery of existence itself, here and now. Perhaps life cannot go ‘wrong’ at all.” Jeff Foster
Podcast I’ve been enjoying
Monica and Jess Love Boysexclusively on Spotify
I love any podcasts that include in the moment self-awareness, coaching, therapy and transformation (obviously!) and this series with Monica and Jess is incredible for that. They bring on a different expert each week and talk through their relationship issues. They are both single and looking for love but their behaviours manifest in almost opposite ways and it is so fascinating to me, time and time again, to see just how similar all of our core problems are as humans.
We manifest in such different ways, we have different personalities, we act out in different ways but at the core of our being our behaviour patterns are uncannily predictable
If you enjoy listening to real-life therapy in action then this one is for you!
and One More Thing
Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius + Capricorn – 14 January – 3 February 🌟
There are a few ways to look at Mercury Retrogrades…you either believe it will f*ck up everything and therefore need to tread very carefully; you decide it can’t touch you and get on as usual; or you use the energy to reflect and inspire some kind of new understanding or change…
No guesses for which one I suggest…
I was born during a Mercury Retrograde (and Mars and Jupiter Retrogrades as well) so this energy actually works well for me…check your birth chart because if you were born during Retrograde you may feel a shift in perspective to this much maligned time
There is one clear message for this Retrograde…be mindful of conversations and communications you have about money, sex and love…as Venus is still retrograding the collision of her values with Mercury’s need to be in discussion may create unnecessary drama or conflict if you’re not present to your own truth
On the flip side it creates a beautiful space to have these deep, intimate discussions and open up to a big shift in these areas of your life
This is what retrograde’s are really for…for slowing down and going inward in order to see again things you look over or miss when moving forward at full-speed
Aquarius is the humanitarian big picture idealist but can also be a little sloppy on details especially when it comes to social communications. Mercury is happy here but be aware during this retrograde to pay attention to the details in your interactions with others – especially if you want to avoid hurt feelings of those you care for 😘
As Mercury moves into Capricorn the focus moves onto work-based communications, travel and technology. Perhaps a good time to review what works for you and what doesn’t in these areas…how do you like being communicated with at work? How does your technology support or hinder you in your working life?
Allow this time to empower you to see things differently 🌟
Happy Retrograding my loves!