Quote I am leaning into

“To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart.” Eleanor Roosevelt

Principles I have been revisiting 

I have been enjoying the 5 Reiki Principles in my morning meditation this week as a wonderfully simple way to align with what feels most important. I often find myself looking for ways to change my morning practice and cycle through many different affirmations and techniques. But I love coming back to these principles as a reminder of how simple it can be to live well one day at a time…

The 5 Reiki Principles

Just for today….

I will not worry*
I will not be angry* 
I will do my work honestly
I will give thanks for my many blessings
I will be kind to every living thing

*These may be revised to “I will release feelings of worry/anger”

and One More Thing

Why Friday 13th is actually lucky 🌟

A beautifully auspicious day, happening 1-3 times a year, but only once in 2021…TODAY!

Normally associated with bad luck (and horror movies…) in mainstream Western culture, it’s actually an incredibly powerful day whose energies we can honour and channel for potent magical things 🪄

Here are a few reasons to celebrate and honour today…

🤍Friday is ruled by Venus…Goddess/Planet of Love, Beauty and Abundance…divine feminine energy abound

🤍In ancient cultures, the number 13 represented femininity as it corresponds to the 13 Lunar, and therefore Menstrual, Cycles we move through every year

🤍13 is very powerful in that it relates to death/rebirth transitions and karmic lessons…the 13th Tarot card is Death…

Let’s honour the power and potency of today, especially in relation to our sacred feminine energy, to our ancient ancestors who lived by the Lunar cycle rather than the Sun cycle, to those who worship(ped) female deities, and to the continued growing reverence we must reignite for the cyclical nature of our lives
