A reminder…

“Only in the love of those who do not serve a purpose, love begins to unfold” Eric Fromm

Book I’m loving this week The book from which the quote above came…

The Art Of Loving by Eric Fromm

It’s an old book, written in the 1950’s, so you’ll need to excuse a few less ‘evolved’ views (although it does not stray into overtly offensive language)… Independent of those it is a beautifully expressed book on the different forms of love, with a wonderful breakdown of “motherly” and “fatherly” love or the masculine and feminine energetics of love and their impact on childhood development. Including insights that I haven’t seen anywhere else (which is quite something given how long and how widely I have been reading on this) So much so I am sure there is something new in there for everyone

If you’re tired of the self-help genre but are looking for something to read in the healing space then this is a good one to go for

Have you read it?

I also love book recommendations, so let me know what you’re reading at the moment! Drop me an email 😘

and One More Thing

Card for today, pulled especially for you

From the absolutely stunning Animal Spirit deck from The Wild Unknown 


Enjoy this beautiful earthy, protective, nurturing deer energy

Is there anywhere in your world that could do with some more gentleness and compassion?

What area, space or issue might there be room for more calm and grace?