Quote that resonated this week
“People are like musical instruments. The range of notes they are able to play is dependent on the range of tensions they have learned to hold” Graham Duncan
My forever goal in life is to be a better coach…and the main way I do this is by finding ways I can challenge myself to stay in my truth and see the bigger picture under more and more difficult or uncomfortable conditions. This quote summarises this for me…I want to be able to play more notes as a coach and therefore I constantly seek out ways I can learn to hold different tensions.
Think of an area of life you would like to perform better in – could you apply this theory?
Book I have loved this week
Rediscovering Life: Awaken to Reality – Anthony de Mello
An incredibly short read – 125 pages in total – which is essentially a transcript from one of Anthony de Mello’s workshops, including Q+A from the audience. It beautifully and precisely captures the essence of what spirituality tries to teach us. That happiness does not exist in the achievement of a goal or in some future moment and, most importantly, that it only truly takes one moment of seeing yourself clearly to know the truth of who you are.
The concepts discussed in the book will be familiar to anyone who has embarked on a spiritual journey. To my mind, it is always insightful to see how different people explain this same phenomenon. Saying the same thing a million different ways is sometimes needed as it could be the millionth iteration that really lands for someone.
and One More Thing
Tarot Card of the Week
Queen of Wands
She is courageous, confident, determined and independent.
Her spirit is definitely that of a total bad-ass boss lady who absolutely knows what she deserves and has no problem making it happen for herself.
She holds a sunflower symbolising joy, life and fertility.
She is not only determined and able to smash her goals but also optimistic, friendly and loves making meaningful connections in the world.
I am definitely channeling this energy into the coming week as I am working hard BTS creating new modules for Strategy+Soul where we dive deeper into your Soul Blueprint and intuitive business building. Intuition is woefully undervalued in the market and often in ourselves. I am currently creating a way for you to harness more of that potential when you are building your business. Exciting! The Queen of Wands totally approves.
How will you channel this energy for the coming week?