Quote I am finding solace in
“Let us… seek peace… near the inland murmur of streams, and the gracious waving of trees, the beauteous vesture of earth, and sublime pageantry of the skies. Let us leave “life,” that we may live.” – Mary Shelley
So grateful to still be able to walk around in nature, I’m feeling that we all need to connect to Mother Earth now more than ever.
Blog post that captures succinctly how I feel about…
…healing, entrepreneurship, relationship building…actually – all aspects of life…
Read it twice.
The moment of maximum leverage – Seth Godin
“It’s the moment before it tips, that split second where a little effort can make a big difference.
We wait for this. For the day when participating will truly pay off, for the mechanical advantage that gives us the most impact for our effort.
It’s a myth.
Maximum leverage is the result of commitment, of daily persistence, of gradual and insane and apparently useless effort over time.
When it works, it merely looks like we had good timing.”
and One More Thing
Deep Healing is Happening – Remember to BE KIND to yourself
You may not consciously be in a healing process yourself right now but there is a lot of deep energetic work happening.
My abandonment wound has come up very powerfully this week.
As the old structures and systems continue to collapse around us, as people further let go of the old ways and turn towards what the new could be, we are seeing society being ripped apart at the seams.
The illusion of security and safety that was embedded in the old way is dissolving. For me, it has triggered abandonment. The things that kept me safe, the external defence mechanisms I leaned on are being taken away.
This might not be your personal experience but I invite you to take a moment and ask yourself how you feel about the old way of life being forcibly removed from your reality?
What does it mean to you that we can’t go back to the way things were?
What will you have to let go of in order to thrive in a new world that looks and feels different to the one you existed in mere weeks ago?
These are big, hard questions. Remember to hold yourself with deep reverence, compassion and kindness when exploring these issues. There is likely a part of you that feels unsafe right now, respect that part of yourself and hold yourself with so much love and care.