Quote I am enjoying
“The smallest act in the most limited circumstances bears the seed of the same boundlessness, because one deed, and sometimes one word, suffices to change every constellation” – Hannah Arendt
Every action you take and every word you utter has the ability to make a difference. You are important and you are worthy.
Transmission that helped me find peace this week…
Surviving the Unthinkable – Matt Kahn via YouTube HERE
I usually enjoy Matt Kahn’s teachings and this week found a lot of solace in this transmission. I tuned in and out, went into meditation, listened intently in some parts. Not all of it resonated but if you’re in need of a light energetic reboot and a reminder of your innate worthiness then give it a go.
Find it here
and One More Thing
Creative Ways to Move Through Anger
If you have been following along with my IG stories this week (if not…why not?! join in the convo @sashafardell_ ) then you’ll know we have been discussing anger.
Specifically why it comes up, how to move through it and how to work with it.
I have had to work hard to get comfortable being in anger. I’m a Libra sun and barely have any fire in my chart. I love for everyone to get along, and always find myself seeking peace, balance and harmony. Conflict is not my thing. Sounds beautiful right? Yes and no.
Where I have always been the peacemaker I have repressed the part of me that needs to stand up for herself! I have dismissed the warrior in me in favour of peace for others. I have chosen to be submissive even when I was furious.
Getting comfortable and being friends with anger helps show us where our boundaries are and supports us in validating ourselves. Feeling our anger can help us feel empowered…as long as we don’t weaponise it!
Part of the reason I used to be uncomfortable with anger is that I didn’t know how to express it in a healthy way.
So here are 5 ways to move through anger that support you in feeling your feelings without unleashing the fury on those around you!
Get Physical
Kickboxing, Dancing, Hitting a Ball, Smashing Something, Weightlifting, Running…
The list is endless…Anger is a powerful emotion and is deeply physical – you need to move it out your body somatically. You can even choose to move it with your breath using breathwork.
Write It Out
Grab your journal and get scribbling. Put all your thoughts out on paper, write as automatically and furiously as you can. Use all the expletives you want, get detailed and get creative! No-one is going to read this so just say whatever you want – even if you would never speak like that out loud to others! No judgement here – it doesn’t matter if you don’t ‘mean’ it – you are just releasing anger.
Sing It Out
Put on something loud and get into those lyrics. Choose something that really evokes what you are feeling and then sing it at the top of your lungs. Or go ahead and write something of your own – create your own music that captures what you’re feeling.
Art It Out
Draw, paint, sculpt, mould…whatever medium you are drawn to go ahead and express your feelings through art. Remember this is not for anyone else, this is just to move that emotion out your body so you can feel more at peace.
Visualise and Verbalize
Imagine the person who has triggered your anger sitting in front of you and then go ahead and say whatever comes up. Similar to writing it out…express with no judgement of what comes through. You might find yourself screaming or wanting to lash out physically. Go ahead and do it – they are not really in front of you. Grab a pillow and work with that.
NOW you are ready to go and calmly talk with the person who has angered you or share with someone else what you are feeling angry about…
Move the energy first and you will find your objectivity and peace return to you so that you can work through the trigger.