Quote I am enjoying
“The greatness comes not when things always go good for you. But the greatness comes when you’re really tested, when you take some knocks, some disappointments, when sadness comes. Because only if you’ve been in the deepest valley can you ever know how magnificent it is to be on the highest mountain” – Richard Nixon
Blog post I have re-read over and over…
This is one of my favourite blog posts of all time. Maria Popova of Brainpickings commentary on Rilke – The Difficult Art of Giving Space in Love: Freedom, Togetherness, and the Secret to a Good Marriage
“Our paradoxical longing for intimacy and independence is a diamagnetic force — it pulls us toward togetherness and simultaneously repels us from it with a mighty magnet that, if unskillfully handled, can rupture a relationship and break a heart. Under this unforgiving magnetism, it becomes an act of superhuman strength and self-transcendence to give space to the other when all one wants is closeness. And yet this difficult act may be the very thing — perhaps the only thing — that saves the relationship over and over.”
and One More Thing
This week I want to share with you all a client win that was so dear to my heart it perfectly encapsulates why I do what I do. I am primarily a business coach for new coaches, we talk about the foundations of building a coaching business and strategies for landing those all important first few clients.
But we also talk about something far more important, we talk about the heart behind what we are doing. Why become a coach? Why start your own business? Why give up everything for this entrepreneurial journey of service?
This week, my client, for the first time in her life, felt REAL LOVE in her heart. And I couldn’t help but cry we were both so overjoyed.
We have been working together for weeks clearing blocks and old stories that have come up for her in building her business around her feelings of unworthiness and being unlovable. We have talked about the way her mother treated her with contempt, about her father being completely absent and the way she daydreamed through school never making any friends.
After diving deep into so much heartache, pain and suffering this week she finally glimpsed the light. She recounted to me how, as she lay in a yoga class in meditation sun streaming through the window onto her face, for the first time in her whole life she felt that warm glow deep in her heart, she felt that lightness, peace, ease and joy wash through her.
She finally felt liberated from the weight that had been holding her back.
To hear her story, knowing all the work she has put in I couldn’t have felt any more humbled or honoured to have been a part of her journey, supporting and guiding her through this.
This is why I do what I do. This is what it is all about. This is the liberation we seek when we choose this path.
It is not just about building a business to empower ourselves financially but about empowering ourselves in the truth of who we are in all ways.
May we all go forth and live freely from our hearts truest essence.