Quote I am enjoying
“When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe” – John Muir
Blog post I am loving
I love Seth Godin’s concise drops of wisdom in his daily blog – I particularly loved this one entitled A Box of Infinity – a one minute read to ponder for a lifetime
and One More Thing
As the holiday season draws to a close for another year I have found myself turning inward again more deeply. This season felt expensive energy-wise. I spent a lot without giving too much thought to the dwindling balance. I knew I had enough energy in reserve and wasn’t in danger of becoming overdrawn so I thought spending abundantly within my limits wouldn’t have too much of an impact.
But it did. And now I am here tidying up and replenishing my cup.
The overwhelming majority of my energy went on protecting my boundaries and holding space for myself. Sitting in my power when I was invisible to all those around me. The energy required to maintain an understanding of self when you are surrounded by people who do not understand you is more than I bargained for.
But I have come out the other side of this period with a renewed appreciation for those who do truly see me and feel the magnitude of the gift their presence and support provides me in life. There are many things we can do to fill our own cups but there is something truly irreplaceable about soul-nourishing connection with another where you are both your whole, unique, most powerful selves.
I have come out the other side of this holiday period exhausted but feeling so supported and affirmed by the most important person…myself. And with the knowledge that while I am the most important person I cannot do it alone. Being supported and affirmed by those I love, trust and respect is the greatest gift I can ever receive.