To always return to…

“There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophy.” Friedrich Nietzsche

I have been reading a lot of fiction at the moment 

Sometimes it’s good to take a break from learning, and especially good to take a break from “growth”…I’ve come much more into a space of believing that growth really happens through living and “trying to grow” is anathema to real development. A tree does not “try to grow”, it just lives in line with it’s nature and grows because that is what it does. If we keep ourselves open-minded, big-hearted, curious and close to ourselves we will grow

PS if you have a rainy afternoon free and want a good cry through an easy-to-read, somewhat cliche but engaging enough story then Colleen HooverReminders of Him is an excellent choice – heartbreaking and hopeful at the same time

and One More Thing

Full Moon in Virgo, Spring Equinox and Aries Season begins…

It’s a week of astrological turning points and the arrival of a new year and I couldn’t be happier about it 🤗

The Full Moon in Virgo occurring today – Friday 18 March at 7.17am UK – is supportive, generous and grounding

She is the sign of service to others but not to the detriment of your own well-being.  While this moment may be demanding you to give of yourself to help others this lunation wants you to remember the YOU in the equation. Take care of your own health, take breaks, schedule your self-care time. There is no glory in martyrdom or self-sacrificial burnout

Organising your space, clearing your clutter – both physical and mental aligns with Virgo’s desire for neatness and precision, use the brilliance of this Full Moon to inspire a cleansing, tidying and re-organising of your life

Perfectly in time for Spring Equinox here in the Northern Hemisphere and the Sun’s move into Aries on Sunday 20 March…bring on the sunshine, bring on the fire!

Emerging from Pisces season always feels like an event in itself, from the inward facing colossal emotional waves of her watery depths out into the bright lights and fast-paced action packed initiation train of Aries season. Avoid the whiplash by easing yourself through the transition. Don’t expect an immediate bounce back, especially if you’ve really been going through it these past couple of months

I am taking some time off by the sea with my sister to relax and welcome in this new season with peace and grace rather than attempting to put on a jet-fuelled rocket pack and power straight in headfirst (as I might normally like to do when it comes to fire sign seasons!)

Take care of yourself – there is no rush to get where you are going 😘