Quote I am leaning into
“A challenging day for the ego is a magnificent day for the soul”
This quote has many attributions so I’m not sure where it came from but feels very apt for this year…
Playing with Polarity in Business
Pre-“you know what” – February 2020 – I experienced a hugely transformative Kundalini awakening which blasted me into a different stratosphere and I could fully feel a deepening call to immerse myself into this space of s*xual empowerment and working with s*xual energy in business…
This always felt like a natural trajectory given my business was birthed from my desire to heal from the wounds of childhood s*xual trauma and to feel empowered, safe and secure in the full expression of my self in all ways
But a few weeks into this exploration the world came crashing down, and so did my energy…lockdown totally stifled the early flames of this new part of my journey…the shock and the trauma of being locked away, of not being able to connect physically triggered old patterns of fear within me and rendered me in a state of total ‘unreadiness’ to claim this new, exciting part of myself and my future
While s*xual empowerment is still not quite on the agenda – see my YT video on my year of celibacy (!) – I have been playing with my masculine and feminine polarities in business and working with these different energy signatures all through this year
And I have landed on something pretty special…eee
So special that I have packaged it up and will be sharing with you in a group experience launching in January…
Understanding these dynamics within me and how they operate within my business has been a GAME-CHANGER
and I absolutely cannot wait to dive into this profound work with you 🚀
It’s energy work, it’s embodiment, it’s self-exploration, it’s foundational business…its juicy AF
If you’re already feeling tingles, just hit reply and I’d love to share with you what it’s all about!
and One More Thing
Full Moon in Gemini – 18/19 December 🌝
The final Full Moon of 2021 and what a beauty, in the convivial, social and delightfully curious airy Gemini – expect to feel the desire to connect in with others and enjoy shared time together 🤍
With the tumult of Eclipse season behind us, expect to feel the light fullness of this lunation, allow yourself to bathe in her glow and luxuriate in her abundance
This Moon feels like a chance to take a breath and receive
The holiday season can often feel stressful, where so many things need to get done – business, life, family responsibilities can weigh on us – and guilt can arise as we are *supposed* to be feeling joyous and celebratory
This Full Moon gives you a moment to let go of all of that, to return to the moment you are in, to return to gratitude and to the heart of this holiday…sharing special moments with loved ones, appreciating each other through giving and receiving gifts, sharing a meal together and enjoying being connected with the humans you love most
All things Gemini wholeheartedly approves of…
Full Moons are also a manifesting moment for the intentions set at the New Moon 6 months earlier…as the New Moon in Gemini in June was a supercharged Solar Eclipse it came with the opportunity to change your course completely, go in a new direction or build a whole new life..
Take a moment to reflect over the last 6 months…what were you dreaming of back in June?
What has manifested for you?
What steps have you taken to bring this dream to life?
Have you changed course again or do you feel on track?
Let this Moon hold you in compassion as you reflect on what has come before and take a breath before moving into what’s to come 😘