A reminder that we are of the world

“Man knows himself only to the extent that he knows the world; he becomes aware of himself only within the world, and aware of the world only within himself. Every object, well contemplated, opens up a new organ of perception within us.” Johann Wolfgang v. Goethe

The Four Levels of Listening

If you know me, you know I love learning…and even more so when there is some theory or words that beautifully explain something I know intuitively to be true. This is what I found in Scharmer’s theory of the Four Levels of Listening

As someone who has struggled to use her voice, and struggled to be heard I find it comforting to know that it wasn’t/isn’t all on me…it is not simply that we cannot be heard, but that we are not listened to in a way that allows our words to land and make an impact

Scharmer’s levels are 1. Downloading, 2. Factual Listening, 3. Empathic Listening, 4. Generative Listening  (a summary can be found here)

Generative Listening is what makes an excellent conversation. It is what allows us to feel seen and heard and like our voices matter. It is listening without the self getting in the way and co-creating a conversation based on the best possible future version of the issues, thoughts, feelings being spoken about. We do not need to literally feel someone else’s feelings to hear them, that can get in the way. We can listen more deeply than that. We can find the insight and the thread beneath the words being spoken.

As we learn to listen, we also learn how to be heard. We learn how to start conversations with the right people, in the right rooms. We communicate insight and ideas as opposed to story, drama.

Do you connect with these Four Levels of Listening? I’d love to know how you feel about being listened to and being truly heard

and One More Thing

Full Moon in Aries energy is still rippling through

Full Moon’s have been inviting me into more rest this year, i.e. they’ve been totally wiping me out! As I’ve been in a short rest cycle (all my Manifestor friends IYKYK) this week it was an excellent time for some reflections

For the Full Moon in Aries which peaked in all her glory on Wednesday I took a walk through the last 6 months. Aries is in my 6th house of work, health and daily routines and I have been focused on curating the daily routines that allow me to feel energised, inspired and creative

But it is only in looking back we see just how far we have come

If you’re anything like me, finding the balance between softness, grace, surrender and productivity, structure, ambitious action is a constant dance and the thing I pay most attention to in my world…our energy is our greatest gift and most precious medicine

And I can still easily fall prey to being hard on myself – our dreams and visions are so big we just can’t wait to see them manifest, right?!

To acknowledge myself, and to invite you to do the same, here are just a few of the things I completed in this 6 month cycle

🌟I started my YouTube channel (a dream I had for years!)
   🚀Learned how to film and edit everything myself
🌟I created Soul Mission Astrology (an offering I am super passionate about)
   🚀and had an amazing launch week (available here)
🌟Helped some incredible clients through Cosmic Soul Activation sessions (I keep a few open every month – message to book 😘)
🌟Rebranded and rebuilt my entire website myself (so proud of myself for this one)
🌟Expanded my learning of EFT and Hypnotherapy and deepened my healing work with my beautiful 1:1 clients
   🚀with amazing results 🪄 (I have a few spots open click here for more)
🌟I started learning the piano (another long-term goal of mine!)
🌟Worked with some new healers, coaches and mentors
🌟Exciting plans are forming for my brand new group offering starting in January 2022 🙊

…along with all the other things that don’t have tangible outputs, that are hard for us to list – all the healing, relational work we do every single day – all we do to keep our beingness alive and well on this planet….

I encourage you to reflect back on the last 6 months and see the magic you have created 🙏 I guarantee you have moved mountains in ways that you haven’t yet witnessed in yourself