Quote to remember
“Not the world, not what’s outside of us, but what we hold inside traps us. We may not be responsible for the world that created our minds, but we can take responsibility for the mind with which we create our world.” Gabor Maté
Podcast I loved this week
Huberman Lab – Dr Anna Lembke: Understanding + Treating Addiction
Perhaps a little heavy on the science for some but I love Andrew Huberman’s work and commitment to truly understanding what is happening in our brains and why we think in certain ways and participate in certain maladaptive behaviours. If you want to get into the nitty gritty of neuroscience then this is the podcast for you. Dr Anna brings a fresh perspective on addiction adding new layers of nuance to what is a burgeoning crisis in our world
I don’t consider myself to be an addict but there are still so many great takeaways…available wherever you listen to podcasts
and One More Thing
I don’t think, in any of the years I’ve been on this journey, I’ve seen or heard anyone REALLY own this
or maybe I just wasn’t open to it before or I just haven’t been able to believe it
But something quiet and subtle has been moving through me the past couple of months
No huge transformation ‘aha’ awakening moments
No full mindbody explosions
Just the creeping sensation, cell by cell, moment by moment…that perhaps I am absolutely fine
That perhaps for the first time since I was 7 years old I actually feel…dare I say it…normal
Not wracked with a daily tidal wave of emotion…not full of energy one moment then feeling like death the next
Not completely derailed by neurotic thought patterns demanding 5 hours of introspection before breakfast
Not fatally depressed by life’s ups and downs but sweetly ambivalent, knowing that the next up will surely be followed by another down, and then up again…creating a benevolent undulation, patterns repeating over and over
I have stopped observing myself every microsecond of everyday like a lab rat, instead letting myself just be (not ‘observing myself being’ ACTUALLY being)
I have found fulfilment in the mundane in a way that seemed laughable a few years ago
Biggest of all I have stopped fervently searching
I am and will always be curious…but I am no longer on the hunt for an answer that cannot reveal itself
Because it is already here
The answer is in this
These words, this identity, this moment, this skin, this air
No different to how it has always been
Apart from now I have left my trauma goggles behind
It is now a story of something that once happened to a little girl I am very fond of…no longer the defining feature of how I see the everyday
Fully healing our trauma is possible
And what happens next…who knows?
But I have a feeling this is where the fun really starts
Trauma puts us in survival mode and stops us from being able to envision a bright future for ourselves. If you want to know how to change that, this video is for you 😘