Quote I love

“Wisdom tells me I am nothing, love tells me I am everything. Between the two, my life flows” Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Classic reading that soothed me this week

If you desire to feel inner peace and still the mind, there is nothing better to read than the Tao Te Ching. It is deep balm for the soul in a way only Truth can be

Tao Te Ching – credited to Lao Tzu

43 Stillness and Silence

The soft overcomes the hard;
the flexible conquers the stiff;
the ethereal penetrates the solid.
This is why there is great advantage in stillness and silence
over movement and speaking.

But few ever obtain the advantage,
for few practice stillness and silence.

and One More Thing

Healing the Trauma of 2020

I held space on IG Live this week for us to talk about the unanticipated trauma resulting from the pandemic, to take a little time to note the healing that needs to take place collectively, and a call to those of us who were not ‘directly’ adversely impacted….by that I mean weren’t left homeless, bankrupt, sick or suffering other demonstrably traumatic losses in our lives, for example the death of loved ones 🙏…to not deny the reality of the trauma of last year

An energetic shift has taken place and it feels like we are moving out of the global crisis response moment and into the healing, the reparation, the rebuilding

I invite you to hold yourself gently through this time, to accept that you are not the same person you were 18 months, that the isolation, separation and fear-mongering will have had an impact on you, even if you didn’t actively participate. You are a sensitive energetic being and the collective energy of last year was TOUGH

If you have trauma in your history, in particular childhood trauma, take pause to notice how any of your patterns of response may have re-emerged over the past year. How your nervous system right now may still be in a state of high arousal or dysregulation even if you generally feel safe

As we all begin to heal, repair and come back together…support yourself in bringing it back to the basics

Arrive back home into your body, incorporate breathing practices, embodiment practice, eat well, prioritise your sleep, drink plenty of water…make space for yourself to be in stillness and most of all be kind to yourself 😘

Listen to the full share here on IG