Quote I love
“If art is the bridge between what you see in your mind and what the world sees, then skill is how you build that bridge” Twyla Tharp
Book I loved reading this week
Anam Cara: Spiritual Wisdom from the Celtic World – John O’Donohue
I have been on retreat all week and this book proved to be the perfect accompaniment. Aaaah it just made my heart sing. The poetry of the words so beautifully reflecting the nature of Celtic spirituality and their understanding of the sanctity and divinity that exists within every single thing. If you find your peace and salvation in nature and deeply connect to nature spirits then you will enjoy this book. If you have any recommendations for other books on Celtic spirituality or philosophy then I would love to hear them, please reply to this email!
and One More Thing
Full Moon in Capricorn + welcoming Cancer season 🦀
We welcomed in Cancer season, Mercury stationed direct and all was illuminated by the Full Moon in Capricorn this week
It feels like the beautiful mix of a deep exhale and a moment of inspiration and bounty…that sense of peace that comes with clarity. The ability to see and take action grounded in the infinite pleasure of surrender
If there is one thing I would encourage you to focus on with this Full Moon energy that is still with us for another day or so it is this….look at the structures and systems in your life and try to bring light to the roots of them that are causing the conditions in your life that you say you don’t want
Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and and LOVES structure…so now is the perfect moment to expand our vision of the truth of the structures that keep us ‘stuck’…those storylines we run in our minds and replay through our daily lives and interactions over and over
Now is the time to see, expand and release them, break free of those binding patterns and see how you can create new structures that deeply serve your soul
Let the watery depths of emotional, nurturing Cancer serve as the feminine foundations for the structures you wish to build
Your life should flow with the natural rhythms of you and your body, the cycles you move through, the oscillations of emotion. Tune in to your feminine nature, the part that naturally prioritises your wellbeing, and lean on the intuitive, yin energy of the Cancerian moment we are in. Let it guide you to work with the Capricorn Full Moon energy to create structures that serve your feminine needs and desires as well as your masculine wants