Quotes that encapsulate my work this week
“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious” Carl Jung
“The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognising the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge” Carl Jung
Blog post I adored this week
How Reading Is Like Love: Italo Calvino on the Ecstasy of Surrendering to Other Dimensions of Experience – Maria Popova
I love reading and I love love and I just adored how Maria Popova writes so exquisitely about how romantic reading truly is. It totally captured my heart and reminded my soul why reading and the written word have such a special place in my life…if you love reading perhaps this post will touch your heart too
“Reading is the real fulcrum that lifts us up into new realms of thought and feeling, new atmospheres of reality, from which we free-fall into a deeper love of life itself. And whenever we read, we read the way we love — with our whole being, bringing to the book every experience we’ve ever had, every vestige of half-remembered impressions and half-survived heartbreaks, the imprint every other book we’ve ever read has left on our conscience.”
Read the post in it’s entirety here
and One More Thing
An evolution from last week’s note….
Your Shadow Loves You
She wants the absolute best for you…she wants you to feel deeply fulfilled, whole and drowning in a life filled with your juiciest desires
She wants you to feel the immense pleasure that your ego loves to deny you
She loves for you to indulge in those things you seem to believe are disgusting, disgraceful, out of bounds
Because she wants you to know and feel ALL of life
She gets a bad name because we don’t know her, we don’t always have access to her and she seems to be driving behaviour and choices that we don’t ‘like’…even though she knows better
What if you loved ALL of you? Even the parts you despise?
How revolutionary would that be…
How would it make a difference to your life if you could show up FOR you AS ALL of you?
PS – I share some more on Shadow Work and some personal healing I have recently moved through over on YT which may support you especially if you have any shared wounds around not being heard or listened to – click here