Quote I am in love with this week
“Art is the work we do where there is no right answer – and yet the journey is worth the effort” Seth Godin
I don’t normally do this…
I like to reserve this space in the weekly love note to share ideas and work from other creators and people through time and space who inspire and motivate me in the hopes that their wisdom will also land with you
This week I want to share with you my very own YouTube video – How To Manifest Miracles
If you’re feeling stuck or struggling with manifesting miracles/synchronicities in your life or you’re not sure what to do with them then this video is for you!
This brand new channel is all about combining the esoteric with the practical to support you in living your most abundant life as a spiritual being existing on this physical plane in this wild project I affectionately call Humans on Planet Earth
Click Here and if you enjoy it please like, leave a comment and subscribe!
and One More Thing
Re-emerging from Lockdown – Venus enters Taurus
The UK is slowly easing restrictions and opening its doors again after a long winter of closed shutters. The energy has shifted in a dramatic way this week with the Aries New Moon and in a gentle, subtler way with Venus entering Taurus
The invitation to go forth and conquer, to break out of the chains so many of us have been held in comes as a strong push. At the same time, there is an embedded ask that we do it with deep love and reverence for the version of ourselves that was forcibly locked up, that was told no, that was asked to separate itself from its loved ones, that was told that isolation was saving lives
This part of us needs to heal
We all fared differently depending on where we are in the world and how the restrictions affected us. But be in no doubt that they touched us all. There is a version of ourselves, whether known to us or not, that has been deeply hurt
As we hopefully move into a time of more physical liberation notice that we are not the same people who entered the storm. There may be hesitancy, anxiety and grief along with the jubilance, excitement and happiness
As Murakami so beautifully captures…
“And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.”*
Hold yourself gently and lightly, give yourself a moment for the bruises to fade, for the cuts to close
Venus in Taurus connects you lovingly back into your sensual connection with life and yourself. She invites you to luxuriate in moving through the world again. Reintroduce yourself to all the things around you that you loved but haven’t been able to touch or experience for such a long time. Do so gently, with ease, calm and love in your soul
Write a list of all the physical experiences you would like to have in a liberated world. Include both local, everyday things and those of your most magical fantasies
Connecting with these will support you in bringing more of them into your reality, and hopefully sooner than you think!
*Haruki Murakami – Kafka On The Shore
One of my all-time favourite authors, highly recommend any and all of his works