Quote I am considering this week
“Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work. If you wait around for the clouds to part and a bolt of lightning to strike you in the brain, you are not going to make an awful lot of work. All the best ideas come out of the process; they come out of the work itself” Chuck Close
A Ted Talk I Revisited
The Puzzle of Motivation – Dan Pink
People aren’t rational. Truly. We are not rational beings. We might think we ‘know’ this, especially if we enjoy playing in the intuitive and energetic realms. However have a think about all the ways in your life where you expect someone to have a certain logical, predictable, rational reaction to something. For example – if something causes us pain we stop doing it…right? That is the rational thing to do. But people don’t always follow that pattern…think how many people push themselves through all sorts of physical, mental and emotional pain? Simple things such as getting tattoos or more complex longer lasting pain such as ultramarathons through deserts.
I’m not going to attempt to answer why here, that’s a topic of its own. It’s just enough to KNOW for now that people are not rational.
So when it comes to your creative work and business building don’t expect people to react a certain way. The whole point of your work is that you don’t know what people will think or say but you are going to do it anyway. You do your work for the joy of the process, for the reward from the effort of creation. You create not because there is a ‘right answer’ but because it is generous to share. It is part of of you, it is self-expression, it is your freedom.
Check out the full Ted talk here
and One More Thing
Get Unstuck Right Now in your Soul Biz
If you’ve been spinning your wheels for a while and aren’t sure where to go next or how to move forward with your Soul Biz here are 3 simple questions to answer. If you can answer them clearly you have a business and a way forward…if you can’t, your task if to stay with them until you can..
What change are you trying to make?
Who are you supporting through this change?
How will you know if it worked?