Quote I am considering this week

“People are embraced or condemned according to their beliefs, so one function of the mind may be to hold beliefs that bring the belief-holder the greatest number of allies, protectors, or disciples, rather than beliefs that are most likely to be true.” Steven Pinker

Poetry I have been revisiting 

I have been revisiting Rupi Kaur this week. There is something so sparse and precise about her work that allows it to cut right through to the heart of meaning. The first poem I share is from ‘Home Body’, and the second from a special tapestry collection, if you find solace in her art you can support it here

i want you to wipe away
everything you know about love
and start with one word
give it to them
let them give it to you
be two pillars
equal in your love
and you’ll carry empires on your backs

it was when i stopped searching for home within others
and lifted the foundations of home within myself
i found there were no roots more intimate
than those between a mind and body
that have decided to be whole

-Rupi Kaur

and One More Thing

FULL MOON in Leo and Jupiter/Sun conjunction – 28 January

This astrology is FIRE. I absolutely love it for it’s enthusiasm, boldness and zest for life. Although it was all happening yesterday the flames are still rolling through for the next few days so enjoy!

It is a beautiful energy to manifest miracles so spend some time with yourself and your deepest desires and call in what you *truly* want.

Leo is sometimes associated with ego and self so there’s also an opportunity here to remind yourself that you are your own home and the greatest gift you can give yourself is a home which is filled with peace, love and compassion.  Take time to be a little selfish and make sure you are taking care of your inner world and cultivating the home within which you most want to reside.

If you want to dive into this Full Moon energy go ahead and explore these three questions

🌟How can I step up into being the leader in my life?

🌟How can I tap into and radiate my inner confidence?

🌟What miracle do I have a burning desire to manifest and is there anything stopping me from receiving it?

If you haven’t already, check out my reel on IG here talking about the energy around this Full Moon