Quotes I am loving
“After you have exhausted what there is in business, politics, conviviality, love, and so on – have found that none of these finally satisfy or permanently wear – what remains? Nature remains; to bring out from their torpid recesses, the affinities of a man or woman with the open air, the trees, fields, the changes of seasons – the sun by day and the stars of heaven by night” Walt Whitman
“Sometimes one has simply to endure a period of depression for what it may hold of illumination if one can live through it, attentive to what it exposes or demands” May Sarton
“Fearlessness is what love seeks… Such fearlessness exists only in the complete calm that can no longer be shaken by events expected of the future… Hence the only valid tense is the present, the Now.” Hannah Arendt
2020 has felt like a year of enduring darkness in many ways for so many and yet I know there has been so much light found in the simplest moments of connection, especially with nature. Love asks us to lean deeper into our own fears so that they may be seen and freed, let go into the limitless expanse of the present moment.
Podcast I enjoyed this week
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepherd in conversation with Glennon Doyle – Ep 201
You may have heard of Glennon’s work – her book ‘untamed’ is super popular. You may also know her story of how she was married to a man, with whom she had children and parted ways with him to be in a relationship with a woman later in life.
This podcast is a fun and lighthearted exploration of her healing journey and is a reminder that we are all continually evolving, ever-changing beings. Never think you are stuck or trapped. There is always a next step, another choice to be made, another space you can take yourself to. They also dive deep into what it is to be a highly sensitive human in this world which I found relatable and comforting.
and One More Thing
Sagittarius New Moon is a total solar eclipse on Monday 14 December
Wow wow wow…there is SO much fresh energy on offer this coming Monday. An extra burst of astrological support to bring us home to the end of 2020 and allow us to welcome in 2021 with a new perspective.
This solar eclipse is just a few degrees shy of the Galactic Centre…believed to be the centre of our universe, so it comes with an abundance of celestial activation energy.
If you are in need of a boost and a fresh kick after what has undoubtedly been an incredibly eventful year then allow yourself to be enveloped by what is on offer on Monday.
Sitting only 3 degrees from Mercury this New Moon also brings in the theme of how you are thinking and how you are communicating that thinking. Be bold, speak truth and share love.
This Solar Eclipse is also linked to the Lunar Eclipse of 5 June 2020 so think back to that time and what energies you were working with or releasing then.
Wishing you all receive the brightest clarity and wisdom this light has to offer 💫 Have a beautiful weekend angels 😘