Quote I am enjoying
“You have to act as though you can radically change the world and you have to do it all the time” Angela Davies
Blog post I loved
New Moon in Libra TODAY
A sign associated with beauty, balance, peace and harmonious relationships – wishing you all find some form of bliss in the coming weeks through the portal of this new beginning.
This is a sign that really values both the giving and receiving elements of relationship equally. If you are thinking about romantic relationships then dive into both – ask yourself…
In order to feel held, loved, supported, cared for and safe…
What is it that I would truly like to GIVE?
What is it that I need to RECEIVE?
Finally, some words on the collective justice perspective of this New Moon from the beautiful Chani Nicholas…read the full post and horoscopes here
“At this point, we are either all in or not at all. To try and count the many ways in which life is out of balance, our institutions are corrupt, and our systems set us up to fail would take us from now until the end of time. To try and tip the scales towards justice will take each and every one of us, all our might, weight, care, and commitment. To do anything else with our life, to waste any of our precious time concerned with anything less would be a life lived in vain. To whatever end, and with whatever tools we have at our disposal, being consumed with making space for healing and justice to occur is the only option left.
In the words of Libra legend Fannie Lou Hamer, “If I fall, I fall 5 feet, 4 inches forward in the fight for freedom. I’m not backing off.”
and One More Thing
Theres a very big difference between knowing the label and understanding what that label represents.
What we are always seeking to do in this life is to understand. It is not enough to know the language, the label, the words of the idea. We need to understand deeply in our bones, in our bodies what those words mean. We need to be able to explain it in ten different ways. We need to be able to manipulate language to be the tool to express our understanding…not deafly repeat what has been told to us by those who happen to speak the loudest and most often.
We are here to authentically understand the truth of who we are. It is a felt sense. It is an experiential truth that is only possible to speak of once it has been lived.
I want to use this space to implore you to use your discernment when listening to and learning from others. Find teachers, peers, mentors that feel energetically aligned to the space that you are in. Absorbing words and language from those who do not truly understand can be more damaging than not hearing them at all.
Trust your heart, follow your guidance, live your truth.