Quote(s) I am enjoying 

“Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit.”  E.E. Cummings

“When we desire to encourage the growth of the human spirit, we challenge and encourage the human capacity to solve problems…it is through the pain of confronting and resolving problems that we learn”  
M. Scott Peck

“He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.”
Friedrich Nietzsche

As it is my birthday tomorrow (woo!) I took the liberty of including three quotes this week that I feel hang together beautifully. They capture the three things I deeply believe we need to feel fulfilled and successful – self-beliefcuriosity to learn, and meaning.

Blog post I loved

Here I am

When we say, “here, I made this,” we’re not seeking credit, we’re taking responsibility.

To be seen, to learn, to own it, to do it better next time.

Hiding is too easy. And hiding is a trap.

From the timeless, bitesize blog of Seth Godin – check it out for daily nuggets of wisdom here

and One More Thing


It’s October, it’s Libra season and it’s my Birthday woohooo!

I thought I would share a little about me and some of my favourite timeless lessons…

🌟I am Libra Sun, Scorpio Rising and Cancer Moon – I do a lot of grounding practices; my Mars in Aries saves me 😋🙏

🌟My Human Design is Manifestor

🌟My Life Path Number is 3

🌟Enneagram is 4w5

🌟I test as INFJ and ENTJ – for purists I know we don’t technically change type but my E/I and F/T are pretty much 50:50

I have found interesting wisdom in all of these tools but don’t restrict my self-perception by any one of them. I would encourage anyone to take them lightly and use them for self-discovery and not necessarily self-definition. 

Do we share any of these? Let me know what tools you have used + found helpful and what your types are – hit reply!

WOW sisters…what a freakin’ year it has been..an incredible time to feel the importance of the truth in spiritual wisdom in all its forms.

Honestly this past week I have been struggling coming to terms with my own expectations vs reality…a serious buzzkill if there ever was one. I have been on a loop in my head about certain things…being harsh on myself about goals I haven’t reached or milestones I haven’t hit. With so much gratitude to the incredible people who held space for me…I remembered to drink my own Kool-Aid…

Here are some of my favourite timeless lessons that reminded me just how grateful I am to be on this beautiful planet, living and breathing in the magic of this human existence every single day…

🌟We can’t predict the future, there’s no need to try

🌟Trust Divine Timing Always

🌟Your life is your life and nobody else’s, all you need to do is keep living it

🌟Don’t wait for the reward or the pay-off to enjoy yourself, find the joy now

🌟Commit to learning in every moment

🌟Feel your feelings and allow time to support your healing

🌟You are always growing, even if you don’t feel like you are

🌟Know your own ‘happiness islands‘ and consciously spend more time on them – top of my list are being outside and talking with people I love

🌟There is meaning everywhere, find what means something to you