This quote resonated this week
“There comes a point where we need to stop just pulling people out of the river. We need to go upstream and find out why they’re falling in.” – Desmond Tutu
I have been noticing how potently this community is being called to show up on the global stage right now. How doing your own work and diving bravely and deeply into Self is healing and slowing the manifestation of pain and suffering in others. We help people by doing our own work. To go upstream for me means to dive deeply inwards. Uncover the roots, unpick the malignancies from within and see how the ripple effect can stop others, the younger generations especially, from empathing that confusion and getting entangled and lost in their own pain.
*maybe feeling some New Moon in Aquarius vibes
I have been enjoying reading..
‘In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts – close encounters with addiction’ –Gabor Mate
I am about half way through this book and so far I have been taken on a sensitively observed depiction of what it could feel like to live the life of an addict. The author is incredibly adept at weaving in his understanding, from both a therapists and personal perspective, of the very real struggles of addicts across a whole spectrum. Although I have never hit the same kind of rock bottom as some of the hard drug users in the book there is a much broader underlying thread here.
These are stories of people who have been unable to cope with the trauma in their life, who have experienced such unbelievable hardship and injustice that the only way they are able to be alive in their bodies in this world is through the relief provided by these substances.
If you are on a healing journey I’m sure you will have had these moments where the pain has been unbearable and you have felt totally defeated and maybe even thought about giving up entirely. This book offers a chance to not only feel compassion for those whose stories it tells, but also for yourself, for the parts of you that didn’t want to go on, for those times when it seemed like too much to bear. It also gives an opportunity for us to reflect on the amount of strength, courage and resilience it takes just to stay alive sometimes.
Overall for me this feels like a book about hope and we could all use a healthy dose of that.
and One More Thing
NEW MOON in Aquarius
24 January – 9.41pm GMT
I am so excited to be welcoming in the new in all it’s forms with this dark moon in Aquarius. It feels fresh, vital, energising and full of unexpected opportunity. It demands an open mind and heart, which in itself points towards the continual purification and calling back in of our energy and soul parts. It speaks to creative expression, using our voices and owning our uniqueness.
Leah Whitehorse at LUA astrology summed it up beautifully…
“Change is coming – whether we like it or not and it’s better that we are prepared. Do the healing work required, whether physically, mentally or emotionally. Educate yourself so that you understand how you can better contribute to humanity. Clear some space for personal self-expression. Be a friend to yourself and others.”
As I spoke to last week, I am clearing space for business expansion and working with the energy at the heart of my business, clearing and reclaiming my space and inviting in newness.
With this New Moon I am purposefully setting the intention of inviting in the unknown, to see a way I haven’t been exposed to before, to tap into something ever more meaningful within myself as a creator. I am looking forward to something unique and inspiring I can share with you all.
And so it is.
What is your intention for this New Moon? I would love to hear. Hit reply and let your expression of it be the affirmation it needs to come into being.
Travel well and safely loves, these are potent and exciting times.